Listen to what people have to say...

“I’ve particularly enjoyed her very direct no nonsense approach and the fact that she could really tailor her coaching to suit my personality type, and she could both play to my strength and be aware of my weaknesses.”

Valentina, QLD

“I found Jean and she was able to impress me since the first session. She did to myself a personal profile. Outlining all my strengths and weakness.

In general, I’ve become a much better version of myself.

Lubo, NSW

“I was stuck trying to get it all perfect and trying to niche but Jean really helped me understand my sticking points. She gave me a new way of thinking about my business and I really enjoyed working with her because she offered me that new perspective,  which is so important when you’re in business for yourself.”

Theresa, VIC

“I also really enjoyed that Jean has a really, really strong growth mindset. And she helped me to challenge some of the assumptions that may have been holding me back in certain areas.

In just a few sessions, I gained greater insight into myself and certainly developed better strategies for working with senior leaders and colleagues, and also just in other areas of my life, where I wanted to achieve certain goals.”

Yvette, NT

“Within a few sessions, Jean helped us not just to visualize the future but to actually be in it. I repeat- to be in it. What this made us do was to actually reverse engineer the pathway to get there”

Jonathan, QLD

“Jean really helped me go through that process of navigating the strategy and taking out the emotion of situations and talking through things logically and helping me progress how I actually got to the conclusion that I needed to get to rather than just getting frustrated as I have in the past.”

Carla, WA

“Jean really helped me go through that process of navigating the strategy and taking out the emotion of situations and talking through things logically and helping me progress how I actually got to the conclusion that I needed to get to rather than just getting frustrated as I have in the past.”

Kimberley, NSW

“Jean is very passionate about what she does and will go well beyond the scope of work to assist. We found Jean very trustworthy because she is both sincere and reliable. She provided us with solutions that were tailored specifically for our business. She was not the type of coach that provided us with a one-size-fits-all solution.  

Lorraine, QLD

“Jean has been very good with me. I had three sessions before. And then within three sessions, she could understand all about my business. That’s the best thing I found out in Jean. She could understand what my needs are. That’s the greatest thing she did. “ 

Dayakar, QLD